Sunday, December 30, 2007

Extra Money
Where I am succeeding in is finding unique and quick ways to make an extra buck. A quick scan of craigslist is an electronic mine of opportunity. There are numerous odd jobs and tasks people are willing to pay you for. One of them is taking part in focus groups, which are plentiful in SF. Now, to do this I can not tell the company what I really do for a living but that is easy. If I do I will be automatically disqualified. I pulled in $200 thanks to an IBM focus group and $50 for a web site design group. I have another lined up in a two weeks, $50.
Other things in the works include passing out hors d'oeuvres at a posh event, $100 for three hours and being a cycling model for a photo shoot for some marketing group, $75.
While this will not make me rich it is fun and makes life interesting. It makes me want to find some other way to constantly make money instead of my daily 9-5. And heck, who can't use a few extra dollars?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
What seperates Hawaiian from the others? Do they feel adding value in saying these little pleasantries in Hawaiian will make my dining experience any better? I don't think so. The only way you can make Hawaiian dining any better is to give me a real life view of a Hawaiian beach while I am gnawing on my chicken katsu. Aloha.
Friday, December 07, 2007
In my ear
I have yet to get an iPod or any mp3 player for that matter. My mother is hipper in that category as she has one. Heck, I don't even own my own computer. The internet is revolutionizing how music is distributed and heard, we know this. I recently read an article stating the internet has given new life to the once 'dying' classical music scene. With the internew, new listeners are downloading classical music because it is easy and nobody else has to know it. There is no great risk in downloading something you are not particularly familiar with. Despite my lack of online music prowness, that does not stop an auidofile like myself from enjoying music. Here is what has my ear right now.
1. Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense. This is not something I just stumbled upon but everytime I reach for a CD or LP (yes, that is what I have) I reach for this. 'This Must Be the Place' is as mesmorizing now as it was when I first heard it. 'The less we say about it the better Make it up as we go along Feet on the ground Head in the sky It's ok I know nothing's wrong . . nothing...
2. Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals - Lifeline. The new album is simply brilliant. It is acoustic, it is bluesy, it is Ben Harper at his best.
3. Toby Keith - Big Dog Daddy. I am a sucker for country music. I am not ashamed of my country love. I am not a big fan of his Ford commercials or his try at holiday music, but Toby's no-nonesense style is always fun.
4. Radiohead. Anything and always.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Twice in 1 Year
Monday, November 26, 2007
Halloween Hangover
Gobble Gobble in Gold Country
Instead of staying home for Thanksgiving, Michelle and I made the trek up to the Gold Country for a little serinity in the Sierra. While we did not find any gold we did find a cozy little cottage called the Dorrington Inn and these nifty A-frames. Dorrington is about three miles up the hill from Calaveras State Park and the Giant Sequoias. Michelle is already tiny but standing next to some of the largest living things in the world she is dwarfed. On the way down we stopped by Columbia and Sonora for some old time fun.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Oil Spill = Envionmental Distaster

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
The Hills are Alive

The hills rise like giant bubbles surfacing from an extraterrestrial pond: natural, yet somehow alien.
Friendly Battle
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Maybe in 10 years I can afford a place
District 3
Sep-06 Sep-07
Number of Sales
18 11
Median Selling Price
719,500 688,000
Average DOM
29 35
These are for condos but what the heck.
Magic Flying Paper

I am extremely jealous of people who have cool or unique side talents. Take my friend John Collins. Not only does he have a regular day job he is one of the best paper airplane designers in the country having written a few books on the subject. He recently held court with kids and adults at the Exploratorium.
Heating up
Those new CFL's are toxic, containing mercury. You break one and you have a toxic clean-up situation on your hands. Sure it is a tiny amout of that nasty stuff but tiny amounts of the quicksilver can add up. You can not dispose of them in an easy way. You have to find a certified CFL disposal center. And dispose of these I will when LED lighting gets cheaper. LED is going to light up your world.
Here in San Francisco and elsewhere there was this big push to turn off your lights for an hour to save energy, showing all how much we can save. Forget turning off your lights for an hour, try stop driving your car less than a mile to do something. Or stop driving at all.
What will be next? A day without flushing the toilet? I am sure some Jimmy Carteresque ideas are already floating around to show us little ways to save energy when nobody addresses the big problem.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Craig Strikes Again
Here is Craig's newest venture, which I feel is brilliant. I am more than cautious giving to charity organizations because a large portion of your donation goes to operating costs and not really helping the cause you care so much about. Here, you can forget the middle person and donate directly to somebody who needs it.
For example, you can do a search for any state, and say find a teacher who is looking to purchase material for class. You can donate directly to that teacher. Now, with anything somebody might try to take advantage of this so you always have to be carefull. But this is darn cool.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Mountain High
Chill Out

Monday, September 03, 2007
High Priced Neighborhood
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Jury Duty
During the question and answer perior, the voir dire, three potential jurors were dismissed because they could not understand English. They were so inept in their English skills that when the judge dismisse them they just stood there until somebody translated what was said.
Prospective jurors are selected at random from the list of registered voters. In order to be a registered voter you have to be a U.S. citizen. How did these prospective jurors make it? Were they faking their lack of English skill to get out of jury duty? Why did the judge not question them on it?
It all made me wonder.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Korea Day
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Historic Hit

Who cares if the commissioner was not there. That says as much about who Bud Selig is as it does Barry Bonds. Who cares about the steroid cloud over it. Whatever Barry did was completly legal at the time. Do I believe he took some medicinal incentives? Yes. This was a great moment for baseball. Barry is the most dangerous hitter ever in baseball. He changed the game like no other. This is great moment in San Francisco sports history. It will not live up to the 49ers three Super Bowls, but still great.
What makes Barry stand out in my mind is he perserverance. He kept going surrounded by all of this. He just kept going doing what he does best.
The Home Run King.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Chasing History

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
New Look

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Korean Cuisine
Friday, July 13, 2007
Passing of the Porn Legend

You had a fascinatingly torrid life that seemed to end in peace, and we promise to rub one out in your honor tonight, Jim. Or better yet, take a loved one to your flagship theater to see a peepshow.
Also, I am sorry that Emilio Estevez had to play you in your biopic. Alas.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Good Chopsticks, American
All-Star Events

San Francisco is hosting this year's MLB All-Star Game. While I will not be attending the game or the pre-game Home Run Derby I did go to the All-Star Fan Fest. The celebration took up three floors of the Moscone Convention Center and was filled with goodies, collectables and tons of displays. Not only can you take plenty of fake photos (Wheaties, for example), there were batting cages, pitching cages and tons of things to do for young kids.
Monday, June 25, 2007
I love San Francisco
If LGBTs were allowed to marry the U.S. divorce rate would not be so high.
KRON 4's Henry Tenenbaum interviews George Takei of Star Trek Fame and one of the parade's Grand Marshalls.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Tahoe Weddings
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Beautiful Modern Cube

New construction sits side by side with decrepit century-old buildings. Riding my bike and walking through the neighborhood, I'm often pleasantly surprised to find a new-ish and interesting building filling a slot in the urban grid.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
SeaWorld = StrollerWorld
Run San Diego
Friday, May 25, 2007
What a City

Tonight I was heading to the Giants game (they lost) and came across the usual Critical Mass crowd (every last Friday of the month). In addition, tonight there was a Zombie Mob. A Zombie Mob? All these people were dressed as zombies walking up Market Street. Their outfits were great. Blood and bones, limping and lurching about. There were well over one hundred people dressed up as zombies all around.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Restaurant Tips
My question was about restaurants automatically charging a gratuity onto the bill for a large dinner group. If the service is bad, do we have to pay the included tip? Most restaurants will make sure the service is good or allow for a lower tip if the service is extremly poor. But, according to a consultant Michael Bauer contacted, large parties have an implied contract.
"...I talked to restaurant consultant Frank Klein, who confirmed what I suspected: If the charge is printed on the menu, there's an implied contract. "By sitting down to eat, you're agreeing to pay," he explained. Klein says that when he goes to restaurant, he tells them before he sits down that he doesn't want to be bound by the service charge. Instead, he tips on the quality of the service (which is often more than 20 percent)."
There are many who made comments to Michael's post. Check it out.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Bay to Breakers

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Gratuitus Gratuity
Restaurants, many times, have a policy of adding a gratuity to large parties. While I do not agree with this policy I can accept it because I get the bill after all is said and done and if I really wanted to I could argue for not paying.
I have a problem with a company charging me a gratuity before the sevices have been rendered. I needed to hire a car service to transport some people around. The company was going to charge me the hourly rate plus 20% gratuity. I would have to give my credit card number to reserve the car not knowing how the service would be. What if the person was late, rude or something happened? I would not have any recourse in not paying the gratuity because the company already had my credit card number and I paid in advance. Now, the likelihood of the company charging me the full gratuity if something happened and I complained serverly might not happen, but it could, and in principle I am opposed to this.
The same goes for a service known as Waiters on Wheels. It delivers food from restaurants that normally do not have delivery service. When ordering from Waiters on Wheels it automatically adds a gratuity. This is before the food arrives. How am I supposed to pay gratuity for something that has not occured?
I am not a cheap tipper. I tip according to service. Not before. After.