There is a certain comraderie among people who get up and enjoy the morning together. My run this morning took me to Baker Beach, nothing unusual there. Out of the five people I came across three of them said "good morning". A simple saying that may mean nothing to most, but to us morning worshipers it is secret password knowing we belong to a privileged fraternity of morning fans. If the freaks come out at night, what comes out in the morning? Whoever we are, we just hope the majority of you stay in bed.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Good Morning
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Great Dick-ens Fair

I had no idea Victoria London was so full of sex. Went to the Great Dickens Christmas Fair expecting Scrooge, Tiny Tim and the like and instead saw busty broads, horny men in top hats and heard many sexual inuendos. There was a rambunctious caberet show singing songs about husbands with 'no balls', many ladies in corsets so tight their breasts overflowed (not that I am complaining) and commentary not fit for a child. All of this did not register with Michelle who loved all the costumed people walking around. "It's like I am in an old movie."

Tuesday, December 09, 2008
No Doubt About It

Flipping through the channels last night I came the movie Mrs. Doubtfire so tonight I decided to run by the Mrs. Doubtfire House. Located on the corner of Steiner and Diviadero the house is great shape, as all in this toney Pacific Heights neighborhood. The only bad thing about it is having to see it at night.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
The Park
Saturday, December 06, 2008
burrrr runnnnnnn
It is always tough to get out and run when it is cold but once I do it is usually always rewarding, invigorating and one of my top runs of the week. I woke up today and it was a chilly 43-degrees. Yeah, I know, it is not really that cold but for SF it is. A put on my long-sleeve thermal, gloves and a top layer. All this stuff for my torso and only shorts for the my legs. My place to the base of the GGB at Fort Point, touching "Hoopers Hands" and returning.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Glorious Place
Napa Colors
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Musical Experiment

Here is a unique experiment. What where the top albums the year of your birth? Not the top songs or hits, but albums. Works that encapsulated an entire year and a musical feeling.
I looked up the top albums of 1971, the year of my birth. It is an interesting capsule. Many of the albums I know very well and have in my stash of music; Marvin Gay's 'What's Going On', 'Sticky Fingers' by the Rolling Stones and 'There's a Riot Going On' by Sly and the Family Stone. Others I have heard of but never listened to (T Rex's 'Electric Warrior') or cared to listen to (Joni Mitchell 'Blue').
I have decided to give these albums a try, along with others. I want to listen to the spirit of 1971 in all of its glory.
Here are the top albums of 1971 according to this one particular list:
Joni Mitchell - Blue
Marvin Gay - What's Going On
Carole King - Tapestry
Elton John - Tumbleweed Connection
Allman Brothers - Live at Fillmore East
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Led Zepplin - Led Zepplin IV
Kinks - Muswell Hillbillies
Doors - L.A. Woman
Nilsson Schmilsson - Harry Nilsson
Monday, November 10, 2008
Korean TV
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Proud to Vote
The rest of my votes went almost exclusively to Republicans and Libertarians. In looking at the Democratic platform, there are a few things I agree with, but on the economic side, other than being ok with him raising my tax rate, there isn’t a lot of his economic policy that I do agree with him on. So why did I vote for him?
It's simple. Having an elected black President will do more to energize this country than any economic or social policy ever could. In a single day of voting, our amazing country once again reinvigorated the dream that any child in this country, no matter what circumstances they are born into, can grow up to be anything they want, including President of the United States.
That dream, staying viable, being reinvigorated, will do more for this country than any economic policy or any legislation that could ever be passed.
That, and I am tired of hearing Black America say it does not have any role models, as if that was the reason for its troubles.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Nike Club Run SF

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Bailout Pork Barrel
Page 279 — Rum excise tax to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Page 280 — Mine rescue / mine safety
Page 290 — Motorsports racing track facility
Page 290 — Hurricane Katrina and Gulf opportunity zone
Page 295 — Wool modifications
Page 296 — Permanent authority for undercover operations
Page 297 — Child tax credit
Page 300 — Children and wooden arrows
Look, check it out for yourself.
This is the reason why so many of us have a distaste in our mouth at the very thought of government. Instead of focusing on solving this enourmous problem, our elected officials are still concerned with special interests. No matter what the bill, no matter how important, these pork barrel items are always present.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Flat and Boring
While many people enjoy running along the Embarcadero I am not one of them. I would much rather prefer running through downtown and The Tenderloin than this. You do pass through tourist filled Pier 39, the overpriced farmer's market at the Ferry Building and AT&T Park but there are few things to challenge the mind body on this route. What it does do is give you the mileage. 12 miles with an up and back along the Embarcadero. ugh!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Expensive Pears

The nashi pear, Pyrus pyrifolia, is sometimes called the Asian pear, as well as sand pear, apple pear, bapple, papple, and bae, from the Korean or li in Chinese. In India is it called nashipati and in Bangladesh and Nepal it is called nashpati. Nashi pears are widely grown for their sweet fruit, a popular food in East Asia. They are sweet on the tree and are eaten crisp.
My real reason for this post is the price. 30-bucks for seven (7) pears, over 4 dollars each. Koreans pride themselves on their pears and they are very sweet, juicy and delicious. I am not a big fan of pears but these pears are delicious. But $4.20 for a pear!
While I was in Korea I passed several pear orchards with each pear wrapped in paper to protect it from bugs and elements.
Happy Chuesok
Michelle picked up some Songpyeon (pronounced song-pyong) which is a traditional Korean food made from glutinous rice. Songpyeon are half-moon-shaped rice cakes filled with sesame seeds or chestnut paste steamed over a layer of pine needles, which gives them the fragrant smell of fresh pine trees. They used to be made into various shapes with the participation of family members and were often exchanged between neighbors. They are eaten on Chuseok and other festive days.
They are not loaded with flavor and are quite chewy.
2 Days 40 Miles
Sunday 27 miles.
Yes, Sunday was on bike and Saturday was running.
Here is my Saturday run:
Here is my Sunday ride:
Tomorrow I am going to take the bus for 4 miles.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
San Diego
Face to Face with Giants

Natives on the Beach
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Victorian Uprising

Battle Among Friends
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Aloha Running
Heading back home this morning running up from the Marina through The Presidio I stumbled upon a large group of people practicing what looked to be traditional Hawaiian dance. The group was diverse, from the expected Hawaiians to Caucasians. The majority were women with a few men scattered in. There was one woman with purple hair. They were lined up in six neat rows with each row consisting of 15-20 people. One large beautiful dance. In front was a lone ukelelee player amplifying his soothing sounds through a megaphone. They were not in full costume, although most were wearing colorful wraps, most paired with a t-shirt. Each face glowed. Their joy could be seeing flowing from their hands and hips. I could only smile and think what a wonderful way to start a day. I think we are all blessed to live in a place where we can find a connection to ones culture and share the beauty of it with others.
It made the short trip home so much easier.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Telephone Classified
No Seat for You!

Friday, July 18, 2008
Paid to Run

This is a huge training program for Nike and its running marketing efforts. Last week there were roughly 600 people who showed up to run. Thankfully for me, my group was tiny. There were only 9 people at the 8-minutes per mile pace. There were something like 75 runners in the 9-minute group. I take a group of runners and make sure they stay on pace while making sure they enjoy the experience of running. For example, tomorrow we'll go on a nice, quick 6-mile run.
While there runners can try on and run with Nike shoes, experience the Nike+ system, enter a raffle for great prizes plus get free goodies.
I am not a big fan of running in groups as I have always enjoyed the solitude of running alone, but this is a nice change. The enthusiasm from the runners is quite infectious.
We stayed in the canvas tents of Curry Village. While we brought food to cook on our little grill we also ate at one of the many Curry Village restaurants and were surprised at how reasonably priced they were. In a place with few choices you would expect businesses to jack up prices. We had a buffet for about $13; a burger, fries and coke for $8; a big 'ol scoop of ice cream for $1.50. You likely pay more where you live. Coffee was $1.50. What was high was the temperture, 100-degrees on the valley floor. Thankfully the Merced River was up to the task of cooling us down.
While there we were able to climb the Mist Trail up to Vernal and Nevada Falls and take the trail to Mirror Lake (now more like Mirror Meadow). Much to the chagrin of Michelle I would not let her feed the squirrels.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Pride and Proud

It is not who you love it is how you love.
Monday, June 16, 2008

I love San Francisco but the weather is starting to get to me. As I approach my ten year anniversary of living in this magical and mystical place I find myself wondering how much more of these tempertures I can take. How long can I battle the wind whipping my face as I step outside in June? How long must my summer clothes be relegated to only two weeks every January? How long must I shiver in shorts running against the wind while others melt? Then I think to myself...and I look around...and it is at that moment I realize I do not want to be any where else.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 06, 2008
Crankie Old Man
I am getting charged for services at the restaurant, at the gas station, and even at the shoe repair store.
You may have heard that San Francisco passed a measure months ago forcing restaurants to pay for employee health insurance. Meaning all this time the wait staff either had no insurance or had to pay for it entirely by themselves. Now, when you go to many higher end establishments you see on your bill a 'health service charge' ranging from a dollar to as much as two bucks.
Filling up for cash I see more and more stations charging a fee if you use a debit for credit card, usually something like 50-cents.
Now, to top it off, I went to a shoe repair store to replace a buckle on a shoe and was charged a 25-cent handling fee. I asked the clerk what exactly was being handled for my 25-cents, since I brought the shoes in and paid cash. When she could not answer and became frustrated with my incessant questioning she called the manager over who then, in an annoyed and un-businesslike manner said it was for recycling. "We recycle, that is what it is for. We recycle. We recycle." In the process he dragged a trash can full of bags across the floor as if to make his point. Recycle? How does that cost me 25-cents? Now, 25-cents does not break my bank but I am one customer out of many. I think this guy is making a enough to pay for his staff's lunch once a week off this small charge. I am not fully against the charge I am against the way it is being sold to the consumer. I am sure many like me feel the same way about being charged for every little thing. Instead of placing a separate item on the bill just add it into the cost. Raise your prices a bit to cover whatever added expense you may have. If not, business owners run the risk of making more customers angry at this petty charges.
It is more expensive where?
You type in two cities you want to compare and 'wahlah.'
I come to find out my hometown of Denair is more expensive than my college town of Fresno. I would have to make more in Denair to maintain my standard of living than if I lived in Fresno, 13% more, meaning Denair is 13% more expensive than Fresno. Why is that? Housing. Housing costs 42% more in Denair than Fresno according to this site.
The site is addictive and fascinating giving users a statistical breakdown in over 100 categories.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Flowers Like a Baby's Head
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
In-Laws No More
I was also reminded of how isolated parts of the world are. Or to be more exact how large the generational and cultural gap is between us. Standing at Coit Tower looking at the Bay Bridge Michelle's father found it hard to believe that we crossed the bridge all the time. There were other instances of what I feel is basic world knowledge that had me scratching my head...and they were scratching their's upon seeing us on the computer getting information in a moment's notice. This, despite that fact that Korea (mainly just Seoul) is more connected than the U.S.
Mid-Week Run 5.27
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Emotions and words often fail us in important times and there was so much we wanted to say we could not on our wedding day. That said we both could not be happier that each of you are in our lives and we look forward to enjoying many more memories together.
The idea that two people from two far away lands could meet in San Francisco is an amazing concept. Then knowing that Michelle is sacraficing being so far away from family and friends to be with a me is beyond my comprehension.
To see so many of you make what we do every day matter.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
City Treasures

This staircase out the the Sunset caught my eye and got me thinking about freedom and the creative spirit.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Basketball Bronze

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hybrid Hype

I find it absurd that the auto industry has not developed a car that gets more mpg than what we currently have on the road. The cars of the 50's get the same as today.
Drivers of these hybrids make the social statement they are interested in but if they really wanted to save the environment and nowdays save money with rising gas costs, don't drive at all. Ride a bike. Get an electric car. Don't buy the hybrid hype.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Mayor
Friday, April 11, 2008
Just Cherry!

The past few weeks have been a joy to walk around San Francisco thanks to the cherry blossoms being in full bloom. Now, many of the trees have already shed their blooms and gone on to greener things.
With tempertures rising this evening's walk was especially pleasant and I was happy to see some trees are still blooming, perfect for this weekend.
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday, April 09, 2008
A Flame In San Francisco

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Quick Wednesday Run
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Snow Day
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Back to Basics
I heard the sounds of birds I have never heard before.
I raced a fuel tanker and lost as it entered the bay and went under the Golden Gate Bridge.
I saw tulips ready to burst into bloom under the windmills of Golden Gate Park.
I saw generations of old yelling silently at their bodies as they stretched and slapped old age in the face.
I passed fellow San Franciscan's as we smiled and said good morning as if we were both in on a little secret.
I felt the cold waters of the ocean, tasted the salt and mentally jumped in.
There has never been a real substitute for running. My feet in some magical form that separates me from the ground.
I am free.
I am running.
Quick reminder, as with all of my runs you can click on the title link to check out where I went courtesy of Google Pedometer. Thanks Google!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Organ and a Movie

If you have never been to the Castro Theater it is truly a must see. It shows great older movies, cult classics and special screenings. Plus, it seats something like 14-hundred people.