It is not who you love it is how you love.
It is not who you love it is how you love.
I love San Francisco but the weather is starting to get to me. As I approach my ten year anniversary of living in this magical and mystical place I find myself wondering how much more of these tempertures I can take. How long can I battle the wind whipping my face as I step outside in June? How long must my summer clothes be relegated to only two weeks every year....in January? How long must I shiver in shorts running against the wind while others melt? Then I think to myself...and I look around...and it is at that moment I realize I do not want to be any where else.
I am getting charged for services at the restaurant, at the gas station, and even at the shoe repair store.
You may have heard that San Francisco passed a measure months ago forcing restaurants to pay for employee health insurance. Meaning all this time the wait staff either had no insurance or had to pay for it entirely by themselves. Now, when you go to many higher end establishments you see on your bill a 'health service charge' ranging from a dollar to as much as two bucks.
Filling up for cash I see more and more stations charging a fee if you use a debit for credit card, usually something like 50-cents.
Now, to top it off, I went to a shoe repair store to replace a buckle on a shoe and was charged a 25-cent handling fee. I asked the clerk what exactly was being handled for my 25-cents, since I brought the shoes in and paid cash. When she could not answer and became frustrated with my incessant questioning she called the manager over who then, in an annoyed and un-businesslike manner said it was for recycling. "We recycle, that is what it is for. We recycle. We recycle." In the process he dragged a trash can full of bags across the floor as if to make his point. Recycle? How does that cost me 25-cents? Now, 25-cents does not break my bank but I am one customer out of many. I think this guy is making a enough to pay for his staff's lunch once a week off this small charge. I am not fully against the charge I am against the way it is being sold to the consumer. I am sure many like me feel the same way about being charged for every little thing. Instead of placing a separate item on the bill just add it into the cost. Raise your prices a bit to cover whatever added expense you may have. If not, business owners run the risk of making more customers angry at this petty charges.
You type in two cities you want to compare and 'wahlah.'
I come to find out my hometown of Denair is more expensive than my college town of Fresno. I would have to make more in Denair to maintain my standard of living than if I lived in Fresno, 13% more, meaning Denair is 13% more expensive than Fresno. Why is that? Housing. Housing costs 42% more in Denair than Fresno according to this site.
The site is addictive and fascinating giving users a statistical breakdown in over 100 categories.