Thursday, May 07, 2009

Satisfying San Francisco

I am not back in San Francisco more than 30 minutes and I see why I love this place so much...diversity. After being in homogenous Korea for over a week it is nice to see some variety. Don't get me wrong, South Korea has just about everything we have here, heck, there are probably more Starbucks in Seoul than in SF. But the cultural diversity is not as open as here, for obvious reasons.

I am on BART and these two arguing Vietnamese women board the train. In the middle of arguing in Vietnamese, one turns to me and asks what train it was. Only in the states. It didn't strike anyone else on the train as special but to me it was wonderful welcome home.

Later in the day I am reminded on what bugs me about living here. I board my normal bus towards downtown, the 38 Geary. On the back of the bus are these rowdy, obnoxious, rude teenagers. They're fighting, singing and yelling at each other, all the while using language not suitable for most bus riders. This would never happen in Korea.

Lastly, back to what I love, this morning I am in Seoul and tonight was able to be in SF and watch a Korean movie at the SF International Film Festival. And to top it off there was a mention of San Francisco and the legendary Bill Graham in it. San Francisco's impact is felt around the world. It is good to be home.

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