Saturday, July 26, 2008

Aloha Running

I wish I had a picture to go along with this because my feabile words just will not suffice. Little unexpected discoveries often make my runs the treasure they are. Simple observances of things we don't notice driving or peddling by. Not small things like the way a certain bush looks like a train but items out in the open for all to see or unexpected treats bringing a smile to all those to happen to come across it.

Heading back home this morning running up from the Marina through The Presidio I stumbled upon a large group of people practicing what looked to be traditional Hawaiian dance. The group was diverse, from the expected Hawaiians to Caucasians. The majority were women with a few men scattered in. There was one woman with purple hair. They were lined up in six neat rows with each row consisting of 15-20 people. One large beautiful dance. In front was a lone ukelelee player amplifying his soothing sounds through a megaphone. They were not in full costume, although most were wearing colorful wraps, most paired with a t-shirt. Each face glowed. Their joy could be seeing flowing from their hands and hips. I could only smile and think what a wonderful way to start a day. I think we are all blessed to live in a place where we can find a connection to ones culture and share the beauty of it with others.

It made the short trip home so much easier.

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