Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 66 Miler

You know sometimes when it comes to food your eyes can be bigger than your stomach? That was me with today's bike ride. With food you can just stop eating. Riding a bike you pretty much have to finish what you bit off.

I normally do 40 milers with regularity so I was not too worried about this one going in and it would have been okay if the route was flat or had rolling hills. The climb before and after Alpine Lake had me cursing out loud. Once I made it up to Ridgecrest and Panoramic I knew I would be okay, especially after Pantoll Ranger Station because then it is downhill to Mill Valley.

Beautiful day though with some great vistas along the way. The photo is looking back towards Bolinas and the Pacific Ocean. You can check out the route by clicking the title.

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